Now that’s Library PR

Marin County’s free weekly paper, The Pacific Sun, published a feature article in its last issue about the Marin County Free Library and the broader Marin County consortium of libraries, MARINet.

The article is an overview of Marin’s public library system and the new planning process taking place there, which involves public input. I find the article worthy of note because of the unusual depth of its description of the library system and its discussion of libraries in general. It seems to me to be the kind of PR that public libraries really want. It talks about library history, about changes in libraries brought about by technology, about the community’s enduring need for traditional library services, about the organization of the library system, about how to get involved in the planning process, and about two typical users of the library. It even outlines the basic ranges in the Dewey Decimal system for people wanting to browse. The article shows an interest in public libraries that was common in general interest periodicals in the early 20th century but rare today.

Thanks to my Mom for sharing the link. 🙂