Twitter Presence

We have enlisted a helper to handle our Twitter presence, so now we will be tweeting and responding at a decent clip, from @litwinbooks, @LibJuicePress, and @LibJuiceAcademy. For readers who don’t know what those three things are, Litwin Books is the publishing company and the imprint that handles mainly scholarly books in media studies, archives, information studies, library history, and related subjects; Library Juice Press publishes books for an audience of librarians and library students, i.e. professional reading, and Library Juice Academy offers online classes for professional development purposes for librarians and other library workers. Our Twitter specialist is Halsted Bernard, known for many years on the web as Cygnoir. Follow these feeds for updates on what we are doing and what we are interested in. You can also get questions answered and generally interact. Feel free to help us out with your suggestions and feedback. Thanks!