Category: January 2010

Introductions, Prefaces, Forewords, and Chapters online at the LJP site

We’ve put up a page linking to all of the Prefaces, Forewords, Introductions, and Chapters that we have made freely available from our books here at Library Juice Press. The goal of course is to inspire people to buy our books, but these items are good reads in themselves, too. So check out our free … Read more Introductions, Prefaces, Forewords, and Chapters online at the LJP site

A chemist on “trusted sources”

My friend Ramona Islam shared with me an interesting blog post by chemist Jean-Claude Bradley, discussing the reliability (or non-reliability) of scientific reference sources that are considered trusted within the discipline. I find it especially interesting in terms of implications for projects like Wolfram Alpha and other attempts to build automated reasoning systems around inconsistently-defined … Read more A chemist on “trusted sources”

ACLU sues Library of Congress in workplace speech case

Colonel Morris Davis was fired from his job at the Congressional Research Service for opinion pieces he wrote about the military commissions system (he is the former chief prosecutor for the Guantánamo military commissions). The ACLU is suing the Library of Congress on his behalf in this free-speech case. This is the second time recently … Read more ACLU sues Library of Congress in workplace speech case

Vancouver Public Library to enforce brand loyalty in sponsorships

This is an interesting tidbit coming from Vancouver, BC, site of history’s largest librarian’s strike in 2007. Library management has sent branches a list of “do’s and don’t’s” concerning the upcoming Olympics. Branches must not allow Olympic-related library events to be sponsored by sponsors other than those with official relations with VANOC (Vancouver Olympic Committee). … Read more Vancouver Public Library to enforce brand loyalty in sponsorships