Category: December 2013

Find us at ALA Midwinter

We will have a booth in the Exhibits Hall at ALA Midwinter in Philadelphia, January 24-27, 2014. At the booth we will have copies of all of our books, as well as catalogs, a brochure about Library Juice Academy, and pens and notepads. Staffing the booth will be Emily Drabinski, editor of the Series on … Read more Find us at ALA Midwinter

Happy New Year – 2013 in review

2013 was a busy and expansive year for Library Juice Academy and Library Juice Press. We thought you’d be interested in some highlights. This was our first full year of offering online classes for librarians’ professional development, having started the first classes in October of 2012. In 2013, we passed the 1000 mark in the … Read more Happy New Year – 2013 in review

UX Unconference

The instructors for the Library Juice Academy Certificate in User Experience organized an Unconference on UX at the University of Arizona recently, as a follow-up to the first round of classes in the certificate program. On December 6th, they each gave presentations on their areas of expertise and participated in a panel discussion. The presentations … Read more UX Unconference

I’d like to take a moment to tell you about a very interesting non-library project that I have been working on with my old friend Ian Stoba. A while ago I had the idea of putting digital signs in public places that people could put messages on over the internet. Ian has great coding skills … Read more