Comments fixed
There was a problem with a spam-blocking plugin in the back-end of this blog that was preventing people from making comments. The problem is now fixed, so if you feel like commenting on any recent posts, have at it. Cheers!
There was a problem with a spam-blocking plugin in the back-end of this blog that was preventing people from making comments. The problem is now fixed, so if you feel like commenting on any recent posts, have at it. Cheers!
Libraryland is a-buzz about a new role we can play in the pursuit of scientific knowledge: data curation. Data curation serves, in particular, the new scientific methodology that goes under the name e-science. E-science involves the collection of data sets which are made widely available to the research community. Researchers then “mine” these data sets … Read more Data Mining
Rory Litwin: I’m talking with Jennifer Szunko, Clarion Services Director. Jennifer offered to be interviewed for Library Juice to talk about Clarion’s services in doing paid reviews for authors and publishers. Thanks for being willing to do this interview. Jennifer, can you explain a bit about what you do at Clarion, and how it is … Read more Interview with Jennifer Szunko, director of paid-review service Clarion Review
CALL FOR PAPERS 2nd Milwaukee Conference on the Ethics of Information Organization June 15 – 16, 2012 Milwaukee, WI Information organization, like other major functions of the information professions, faces many ethical challenges. In our literature, ethical concerns have been raised with regard to, topics such as, the role of national and international tools and … Read more CFP – 2nd Milwaukee Conference on the Ethics of Information Organization
Last month in Varanasi, India, the First International Conference of Lokavidya Jan Andolan, or the Peoples’ Knowledge Movement, was held. The original call for participation talked about the situation of the displacement, environmental destruction, and poverty experienced by people throughout India: All these people, the displaced, the communities they belong to, have never gone to … Read more Valuing the People’s Knowledge
Julie Bosman writes in the New York Times about a logical new development in book publishing: finer quality, fancy print books to compete with e-books. What is not expected about this, to me, is that major publishers are moving in this direction, rather than boutique houses that specialize in it.