Category: Archives

Richard Cox reviews Lara Moore’s Restoring Order

Dr. Richard J. Cox, head of the archives track at the School of Information Sciences at the University of Pittsburgh, has posted a review of Lara Jennifer Moore’s Restoring Order: The Ecole des Chartes and the Organization of Archives and Libraries in France. I find it an intelligent review that gives a clear sense of … Read more Richard Cox reviews Lara Moore’s Restoring Order

Saad Eskander’s open letter to the Hoover Institution

Open letter from Saad Eskander, Director of the Iraq National Library and Archives, June 21, 2008 An Open Letter to the Director of Hoover Institute I have read Mr. Sousa’s letter to Mr. Mark Greene, President of the Society of American Archivists (dated 06-06-08), Mr. Al-Jaberi’s statement (dated 27-04-08) and the article published by Stanford … Read more Saad Eskander’s open letter to the Hoover Institution

2008 Braverman Winner

Media Release Contact: Dr. Terrence W. Epperson Chair, Miriam Braverman Memorial Prize Committee Progressive Librarians Guild Phone: 609/771-3352 FAX: 609/637-5177 E-Mail: April 29, 2008 FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE Miriam Braverman Memorial Prize Winner Announced (The College of New Jersey, Ewing, NJ) ‚Äì The Progressive Librarians Guild is pleased to announce the winner of the 2008 … Read more 2008 Braverman Winner

Lara Moore’s book now available from Powell’s

Powell’s Books is the option for many people who want to buy a book online from a union shop, so I’m very happy that they are stocking books from Litwin Books and Library Juice Press. This note is to announce that they have added the latest book, Lara Moore’s Restoring Order: the Ecole des Chartes … Read more Lara Moore’s book now available from Powell’s

Restoring Order: The Ecole des Chartes and the Organization of Archives and Libraries in France, 1820-1870

New from Litwin Books Author: Lara Jennifer Moore Price: $32.00 Published: March 2008 ISBN: 978-0-9778617-9-8 Printed on acid-free paper Buy from Amazon Buy from Barnes and Noble Between 1789 and 1793, the revolutionary French state nationalized thousands of libraries and archival depositories, thus becoming the proprietor of many millions of books and documents, ranging from … Read more Restoring Order: The Ecole des Chartes and the Organization of Archives and Libraries in France, 1820-1870

Hoover Institution to Accession Looted Documents

This is rather unbelievable. Two shipping containers of records from the Baath Party of Iraq – about seven million pages – are being transferred to the Hoover Institution at Stanford University, over the objections of Iraq’s archivist, the celebrated Saad Eskander. They have been in the possession of a non-profit run by Kanan Makiya, an … Read more Hoover Institution to Accession Looted Documents

Restoring Order: The Ecole des Chartes and the Organization of Archives and Libraries in France, 1820-1870 (forthcoming)

Restoring Order: The Ecole des Chartes and the Organization of Archives and Libraries in France, 1820-1870 Author: Lara Moore Expected: Spring 2008 Printed on acid-free paper Between 1789 and 1793, the revolutionary French state nationalized thousands of libraries and archival depositories, thus becoming the proprietor of many millions of books and documents, ranging from Montesquieu’s … Read more Restoring Order: The Ecole des Chartes and the Organization of Archives and Libraries in France, 1820-1870 (forthcoming)

The hidden story behind CPUSA’s donation of its archives to NYU

The Communist Party of the United States is presently in the news for donating its archive to the Tamiment Library at NYU. As many are aware, this archive was part of the Reference Center for Marxist Studies, the library located in the CPUSA building in New York, which was run by ALA Councilor Mark Rosenzweig … Read more The hidden story behind CPUSA’s donation of its archives to NYU

The Nation takes an admiring look at librarians

The Nation magazine posted a web-only article yesterday by Joseph Huff-Hannon titled, “Librarians at the Gates,” which takes an admiring look at American librarians. It discusses librarians’ responses to anti-immigration legislation (with a link to REFORMA’s website); our responses to the USA PATRIOT Act, responses to censorship attempts, four paragraphs about the National Security Archive … Read more The Nation takes an admiring look at librarians

Israel targets Nablus administrative records for destruction

Prior to Wednesday, the muqata’a was a large government building in Nablus, Palestine, originally built by the British in the 1920s and used until this week for civil government functions. It contained the archives of civil documents of the region, containing “hundreds of thousands of file cases and documents — birth and death certificates, identification … Read more Israel targets Nablus administrative records for destruction

International Committee of the Blue Shield statement on threatened cultural property in the Middle East conflict

The International Committee of the Blue Shield has released a statement on threatened cultural property in the Middle East conflict. The statement simply states the group’s concern about the conflict and the threat it poses to cultural property (artifacts, documents, art), and calls upon governments to ratify the The Hague Convention for the Protection of … Read more International Committee of the Blue Shield statement on threatened cultural property in the Middle East conflict

Audit of NARA reclassification of documents

Check out this informative, link-laded post on NARA’s reclassification of documents and a recent audit relating to it, over at LawLibrary Blog. We knew that the present administration was crazy for secrecy, and that U.S. Archivist Allen Weinstein was a controversial choice because of signs of his willingness to fulfill the gov’t’s interest in greater … Read more Audit of NARA reclassification of documents

Braverman Prize Winner Announced

Media Release Contact: Dr. Alison M. Lewis Chair, Miriam Braverman Memorial Prize Committee Progressive Librarians Guild Phone: 215/895-2765 FAX: 215/895-2070 E-Mail: May 1, 2006 FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE Miriam Braverman Memorial Prize Winner Announced (Drexel University, Philadelphia, PA) – The Progressive Librarians Guild is pleased to announce the winner of the 2006 Miriam Braverman Memorial … Read more Braverman Prize Winner Announced