Category: International

if:Book – Google and the myth of universal knowledge: a view from Europe

Interesting post in if:Book, about the new book coming out in France, Quand Google d?ɬ©fie l’Europe : plaidoyer pour un sursaut, by Jean-No?ɬ´l Jeanneney. Jeanneny, who is the director of the French National Library, is one of the most prominent critics of the Google Book project, and is worried about the project leading to an … Read more if:Book – Google and the myth of universal knowledge: a view from Europe

Argentinian library blogger on Cuba

I would like to turn your attention to a thoughtful post by Argentinian librarian Edgardo Civallero on Cuba and the debate surrounding the “independent library movement.” Edgardo blogs mostly in Spanish, but also in English, for our benefit. Though he is a self-identified anarchist and anti-authoritarian he’s sympathetic toward Cuba and sees that society from … Read more Argentinian library blogger on Cuba

Web action in solidarity with French students

From March 16th (yesterday) through midnight tonight (European time) there is a global electronic political action in support of French students, who are presently on strike in protest of their government’s new labor rules, which support precarious employment conditions that French students view as a threat to their futures. The strike and the demonstrations, which … Read more Web action in solidarity with French students

FBI grill Venezuelan professor at Pomona College

Two FBI agents visited a Venezuelan college professor (and US citizen) in his office at Pomona College and grilled him about his relationship to the Venezuelan community, stating suspicions of a connection between the Venzuelan community and terrorism. The professor, Miguel Tinker-Salas, is opposed to US policy in Venezuela and supports Hugo Chavez (who of … Read more FBI grill Venezuelan professor at Pomona College

Global governance is the internet’s hope

I don’t read a lot of blogs or tech news, but last summer I couldn’t help noticing tons of commentary about the United Nations’ “threatened takeover of the internet,” which commentators described as though it would spell the end of freedom rather than a victory for fairness.?Ǭ† (I find it hard to imagine a rational … Read more Global governance is the internet’s hope