Category: Technology

RFID Hacking

Here’s an article in Wired Magazine about RFID hacking, which means using your own equipment in place of the official equipment to send and receive data connected with RFID tags. Hackers can do things like steal the code off a key card in someone’s pocket and then use it to get through a door, or … Read more RFID Hacking

Three articles for thinking about tech

In some back-and-forth with Rick Anderson in the comments on my posting about him from March 14th, I recommended three articles from Progressive Librarian that I think illustrate how the Progressive Librarians Guild represents a counter-trend in opposition to what he has been up to. It occurs to me that those three articles also relate … Read more Three articles for thinking about tech

Geeks and Nerds Battle for the Soul of Librarianship

Perhaps the most pressing issue facing librarianship is one that is unlikely to receive serious scholarly attention. It is, to put it simply, a battle presently being fought between two camps of librarians. Some may cite generational conflict as the primary conflict in librarianship today; baby-boomers representing traditional knowledge of librarianship as well as bibliographic … Read more Geeks and Nerds Battle for the Soul of Librarianship